Goranson Farm - Year Round Organic Produce
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Goranson Farm cultivates fresh nutritious organic veggies, berries, meat, and maple syrup for our community. We are Jan Goranson, Rob Johanson and sons Carl and Göran. Jan’s mother and father, Everett and Geneva, farmed high quality potatoes on this land since the 1960s and Jan’s grandparents were farmers in northern Aroostook county. Since 1985, Jan and Rob have worked to maintain this unique family farm and preserve the irreplaceable open space along Merrymeeting Bay. Along with our year-round crew, we produce a bounty of certified organic produce for summer farmers’ markets in Portland, Boothbay, Damariscotta, and Bath; winter farmers’ markets in Bath, Brunswick, and Portland, our home farm store here at 250 River Road, Dresden, ME; and to wholesale buyers and restaurants throughout the Portland and Midcoast Maine regions.